With shooting of the next installment of the Amazing Spider-man under way, director Marc Webb has been posting photos from the set. Recently though he tweeted this picture, with the hash tag #happybirthday;
Just a meat locker right? Well, rumor has it that this just isn't any old meat locker. In a issue of Ultimate Spider-man, Peter Parker finds an experiment in a meat locker that looks identical to this and has the same locker number, the experiment which leads to the Ultimate Spider-man version of Venom.
The #happybirthday tag adds to this rumor, as this month can be considered the 25th anniversary of Venom's comic debut. CraveOnline offers up the theory though that the #happybirthday tag is a nod to Amazing Spider-man 2 costar Dan DeHaan, who celebrated his birthday February 6th and is slated to play the role of Harry Osborn, Norman Osborn's son. They had the following to say;
"If we’re right (again, if Marc Webb isn’t just screwing with us), then Dane DeHaan would be the new Venom. And that makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it? The son of the Green Goblin, friends with Peter Parker, who will eventually turn on the hero. With his roots in OsCorp and his best friend Spider-Man destined to turn against Harry’s father, Dane DeHaan seems like the perfect candidate for the Venom suit in the new franchise, and then get his own solo movie, courtesy of DeHaan’s old Chronicle director, Josh Trank."
So, could Venom be the new villain Or at least one of them... or is the director just having fun? You'll know as soon as I do. For this, and other information, stay tuned to my Facebook page, which I keep more updated then this.
Random Funny Sweet Nerdy Man.
CraveOnline article.