Welcome to the first Nerdy Man blog of 2012! For those of you that are new to page/blog, with each blog I just go over whats going through my head at the time of writing the blog so if it seems jumbled and doesn't make sense, you know why, and you have been warned! Also, I try to introduce anybody I'll be talking about in the blogs for that day, today it's just Mini, for those that don't know, Mini is my little brother, who is almost like my own son in many ways and tends to follow me around and mimic me, he has even been called my "Mini Me" by family members and so I just refer to him as Mini online. So let's kick this blog off!
The other day I was sitting here looking at pictures on the internet when I came across this one;
Mini just so happened to be sitting on the bed behind me, playing the PS3 and so when I remarked out loud "that's cool!" he looked at my screen and said "What is it?". I explained to him it's a journal that looks like a VHS tape, he asked me what a VHS tape was and I said it's what we watched movies on before DVD, but just waved it off. I mean after all, the last VHS tape we ever bought was when he was about 3 or 4 and he hasn't seen or touched those in years.
Then, Saturday night was the night that made me wonder if I'm getting old, or am I just failing to pass on the nerd to Mini. For those that missed the post, what happened was Mini and I were sitting here watching Mars Needs Moms. Neither of us had ever seen it before, but I heard it was good so I talked him into watching it, I mean after all, it was a Disney animated movie with Seth Green doing a voice, how bad could it be?
As we are watching the movie, one of the characters in the movie is using a lot of 80s slang,and at one point she said "That's heavy.". Of course, me, being a HUGE Back to the Future fan am instantly reminded of that classic scene...
So, I turned to Mini and I recite that very line, word for word, expecting him to smile or laugh about it because he's seen the movies quite a few times himself and I figured he would recognize it. All I got in return was a confused look like I just spoke to him in German. I asked him if he knew what I meant and he said no, after shaking my head followed by a face palm I turned away and said never mind.
I proceeded to post about this on the fan page, which apparently he's gotten very good at reading over my should because about twenty minutes after me posting it, he made his own BTTF reference. One of the characters was rambling on and he said;
"English Doc! Get it? Back to the Future?"
To which I looked at him and said;
"Really? NOW you get that Back to the Future quote? What'da do, read over my shoulder?"
Mini: "No.. I..."
Me: "Uh huh..."
After the movie he went to bed since it was late, and I got to thinking, it wasn't the first time he's missed a movie or TV show quote I've thrown at him. I pick movies he's seen a lot vs. something he's only seen once or a couple times to give him a fair chance. He gets the Star Wars quotes, but that's because since he could crawl he's had nothing but Star Wars around him, so it got me wondering if it's failure on my part, or just a sign I'm getting too old. Here's an example of him missing something completely.
One day he decided he wanted to watch a movie so I let him pick something out of my collection. He picked Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. The movie went off and about a half hour later I had to let the dog in because it was raining out. However since she was wet I wanted to keep her in laundry room to dry off but she got out so I had to wrestle her back in there and Mini heard all the noise so when I finally got the dog put up I came back in here and he had a "what the heck was all that?" look on his face. The only thing I could think of was pulling an Indy.
So I pointed towards the laundry room door and said in my best Harrison Ford voice "No ticket!", thinking for sure he'd get since we just watched the movie. However, I was once again faced with the confused look and he said;
"What ticket?"
Shaking my head I said never mind and sat down.
I remember, very vaguely being his age, I was into Ninja Turtles and Power Rangers, and the one movie I could remember quoting was Tim Burton's Batman and parts of Die Hard. So, I'm wondering if the nerd maybe skipped him, or if its something he'll get into more when he gets older? He CAN quote Star Wars, so maybe there's hope?
Well, that's all for this blog, until next time folks, see you in the funny pages!
Wait till he gets a little older. All that nerd fodder will start to stick more and there wont be a reference you can make that will throw the boy. Until then take his confused looks and vacant stares as a sign of intellectual superiority. And advanced nerdiness and gloat internally. You will miss those moments when they are gone. Love u nerdy man don't go all geriatric on me yet k.